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The Importance of Cellular Health for Vitality

Science refers to cells as ‘the building blocks of life’. The quality of a person’s health is wholly determined by the level of the millions of cells making up the human body. Elements such as vitamins and amino acids are needed for the thousands of biochemical reactions taking place in each cell and a deficiency of these compulsory nutrients is the most frequent cause of cellular dysfunction.


Replenishing these cells with essential nutrients supports their bio-energy production and leads to optimal health. However, without adequate supplementation, the normal functioning of cells will eventually become impaired, resulting in illness. In addition, cells constantly subjected to physical, emotional, and energetic stress become dysfunctional, and this dysfunction equates to poor health because the cells/body are no longer at ease.

For optimal cell health, we must provide the body with the correct care, love, and nutrients. As well as feeding our body with healthy, nutritious and toxic-free foods, daily movement, meditation, and hydration are also crucial factors in regulating cell health. Incorporating all of these practices into your routine will ensure that the body functions correctly and you will experience a vibrantly healthy and happy life.


The process of hydration is defined as ‘the act or process of combining or treating with water’ or ‘the introduction of additional fluid into the body’. Did you know that roughly 50-65% of the adult human body our body is composed of water? The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water.

Cellular hydration is the most important form of hydration. If you are consuming the correct amount of water daily, your body will take this and distribute it correctly to all the cells in your body that need it, taking with it all the essential nutrients those cells require. If you are well-hydrated, your body will use this cellular water to flush out waste products and toxins and deliver them to the organs of excretion. If your body is dehydrated, these processes will be sluggish, causing waste products to build up and the body will become toxic.

Cell Hydration

There is mixed opinion over how much water you should drink per day. According to the NHSwomen should drink around one and a half litres of fluid per day and men should drink about two litres. That’s roughly eight 200ml glasses for a woman and ten 200ml glasses for a man. However, the normal GI tract processes about 9 litres of fluid each day: approximately 2 to 3 litres of fluid are consumed orally, and about 6 to 7 litres of fluid are secreted by various parts of the GI tract. 

Keep Calm

It is important to take on water upon waking as the body will have gone for a substantial amount of time without it, causing it to be in a dehydrated state. I drink anywhere between 4-8 litres of water per day and recommend consuming a litre (1-2 pints) of water within the first 20 minutes of waking up. Given that the GI tract processes so much fluid per day, it’s imperative to make sure you are topping yourself up throughout the day and staying hydrated at all times. 

Daily movement

According to Mercola, exercising on a regular basis can help to fight off colds and flu, reduce the risk of certain cancers and chronic diseases, as well as slow down the aging process. A growing body of research suggests that regular exercise can boost your body’s immune system, increasing the circulation of natural killer cells that fight off viruses and bacteria.

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Regular exercise has also been shown to combat the ongoing damage inflicted on cells, tissues, and organs that underlies many chronic conditions. Studies have shown that it can lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol, and cut the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Medical experts say inactivity poses as great a health risk as smoking, contributing to heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, depression, arthritis, and osteoporosis.

Telomeres are strands of DNA that act as a protective shield to chromosomes. The gradual erosion of telomeres leads to aging on a cellular level. As telomeres continue to shorten, cell death occurs, which can lead to the contraction of serious diseases and premature aging. Since exercise has been linked with preventing telomere shortening, it is clearly a very powerful anti-aging strategy. Exercise activates the enzyme telomerase, which stabilises telomeres, producing an anti-aging effect at the cellular level.


Exercise is part of my daily rituals, no matter what the circumstances are. You don’t need to have access to a gym or equipment to get a sweat on – your body is the best piece of kit at your disposal. Warm-up, stretch, and bash out some burpees, jumping jacks, press-ups, crunches, lunges…I could go on and on. Even if I am away from home, staying in a hotel, I will always start my day with water, vitamins, movement, and 3-20 minutes of mindfulness. Scientific studies have proven that regular exercise can help prevent grave illness and improve and maintain cell health so drop the excuses; partake in some kind of movement that you enjoy, even if only for 15 minutes a day. Put the radio on, dance around the kitchen, skip, run, hopscotch – do whatever you have to but just make sure you are getting your sweat on.


Positive psychological changes that occur during meditation training increase the activity of the previously mentioned telomerase. Meditation, like exercise, has been tipped to reverse cell aging. Meditation, or ‘mindfulness’, is a practice that has stolen a lot of limelight in recent years, with health professionals, lifestyle advisers, and celebrities alike praising the positive influence can have on various aspects of everyday life.

External factors such as work or financial security can cause huge amounts of stress and in turn, cells that are regularly subjected to stress can’t function properly, thus having a negative impact on an individual’s health. There is a plethora of evidence and experimentation that has been carried out to prove that meditation on a regular basis has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety.


I personally have been practicing daily mindfulness for about 3 years now. Anything between 3-20 minutes is adequate for one day, but this is at the prerogative of the individual. Some days, I might feel especially mindful and go at it for 40 minutes to an hour. There is a blog on the DMC website about the importance of mindfulness and meditation with some different app suggestions. You can read it here. It may take a little bit of getting used to but just do some searching until you find what’s right for you and the benefits will be massive.


In conclusion, good cell health is essential for the body to function properly. If you don’t take the correct measures to nourish the millions of cells that make up your body then internal processes will become sluggish and lead to illness or poor health. In addition, cells constantly exposed to stress become dysfunctional, which can have a number of negative side effects. For cells to function at their very best, we must provide the body with the love and care that it needs.

Love your body

Over half of our bodies are composed of water so it’s absolutely vital to stay hydrated at all times throughout the day. Within the first 20 minutes of walking, you should take on at least 2 pints of water. Your body will use cellular fluids to flush out any toxins, which is another reason why it’s crucial to always have water to hand. If you drink less than 1-2 litres a day, do this: trial doubling your water consumption more for 7 days. I guarantee you will have more energy, better skin, and will lose weight within that week. Give it a go.

As well as taking on multiple litres of water, regular exercise has been shown to help counteract the ongoing harm inflicted on cells that is responsible for many persistent conditions. Partaking in some form of daily movement activates enzymes that fight aging and serious illness. Get in some exercise every day, even if it’s just for 10-15 minutes. Do whatever it is that you enjoy – start your day this way and you’ll feel epic for the rest of it.

Although water and exercise are very important for the body physically, mindfulness and meditation are of vast emotional and psychological significance. Spending 3-20 minutes each day concentrating on your breathing has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and lead to improved cell health, better sleep, and weight loss.

If you don’t drink enough water, mobilise your body, or meditate every day, then chances are you are not as healthy as you could be. So here’s a little experiment – make a point of doing these every day for the next 7-30 days. Keep a journal of how you are feeling every day and by the end of your chosen time frame, you can compare. I can guarantee that you will see massive benefits to your health, fitness, and overall demeanor. If you want to experience truly vibrant health, this is the way to go.

Thanks for reading.

To health, happiness, and “Strength for Life”,



Davie McConnachie

Davie McConnachie is Scotland’s leading health and wellness coach, multi-award-winning gym owner, motivational speaker and the founder of DMC Fitness, a fitness education facility known as the premier choice for 1-2-1 personal training. He has inspired thousands of people to fall in love with fitness – his true purpose and mission in life.

Diving into the world of fitness and wellness has helped Davie to deal with his own trauma and inner demons. He, overcame many dark times using his own unique methods to continue his cycle of healing.