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Jason Mokrovich

before weight loss
after weight loss

Train with Pablo and what you will feel are enthusiasm and focus. Follow his lead, and what you’ll see is total and utter transformation.

Building lean muscle had eluded me for years. I tried four different personal trainers before Pablo, each providing plans either too complicated, or little different from what I could plan myself, or what seemed no more than victims of the latest fashion-fad for exercise, not to mention the either limited (in some cases non-existent!) or impossible to follow ‘diet plans’. In short, the results didn’t come through, no matter how hard I trained.

Then I met Pablo.

While reducing my body fat to single digits, I more than doubled the size of my arms, gaining lean muscle across my back, shoulders, and legs, while starting to develop that all-important six-pack. Watch Pablo at work with any client and the reason is clear. You’ll see his focus on the client (not his next opportunity), you’ll feel the determination he has to help his client succeed, and you’ll see and hear it in his every touch and motivational word. When you train with Pablo, you’ll learn from his encyclopedic knowledge of physiology, and develop a form that makes the most of every repetition, making you feel explosive growth in every workout. To support this, Pablo provided me with comprehensive, yet simple to follow, training plans, including all the detail I needed on what to eat, why and when, yet no complicated meals to buy or make, and still some flexibility to ‘live it up and enjoy meals and drinks with friends.

I’ve come to believe you can’t train someone to have the passion Pablo does, but someone with Pablo’s passion can help anyone train – and for me, it led to me achieving the results that had escaped me for years.

—Dr. Jason T. Mokrovich