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Davie McConnachie

Davie Profile Photo

Most of my clients contact me because they want to feel and look better. Generally no one ever comes to me because they are happy on the contrary it’s because they are unhappy with their own health, fitness and general wellbeing 

The discomfort they feel comes from a lack of knowledge and understanding and practical application. They are under-developed in the areas of health, fitness and wellness and it’s my pleasure and privilege to coach them through the process of learning firstly how to move better, secondly how to fuel themselves better which in turn makes them feel better and over time, space, patience, and practice they will start to look better. 

I take great pleasure in helping people learn how to overcome their own issues and challenges while helping them to develop new more empowering habits that enhance their lifestyle. I design, create and coach them through a program of personal development using health and fitness as the foundation of the process 

These programs become a scaffolding they can lean into when life’s inevitable stresses become too much 

This is the key to the whole process developing a new set of skills which are effectively tools to use when needed to improve ourselves 

This doesn’t make life any easier but it 100% makes life more enjoyable. Being actively fit strong and healthy is the best way of making your life experience better and more fulfilling

Who I Work With

At present my stable of clients ranges from Chairpeople CEO,s, CTO,s CFO’s Managing Directors and those types of industry leaders. I also have many refired clients and my youngest client is 14 

I’ve been a professional coach since 2006 and have delivered 60+ thousand hours of 1-2-1 sessions which had given me a lot of experience to tap into 

I love coaching and always will and am devoted to helping people use fitness training as a way to improve and enhance their life’s experience 

What I do that’s different 

Listen, care, create and coach


Lawyer and Chairman of Harper Macleod

“I really enjoy working with Davie. He’s a very unusual character. He’s really helped me personally in terms of my mental wellbeing and educated me on what I can do to cope with stress, how to eat better, how to stay fit and how to make the most of my life. Davie has been a very important person to me over the years.”


Retired Consultant Anaesthetist

“Davie is great. He’s really experienced. He’s a really good all-round coach. He’s tuned into what you need and what you’re capable of and build on that. It’s money well spent in terms of your health, wellbeing and longevity.”


Investor and Property Developer

“I looked back on a holiday photo and I wasn’t happy with what I was seeing. So I went to see Davie. He sorted out my nutrition, sorted out a nutrition and training programme and lost 3 stone in the first 6 months. It was quite a dramatic change, so much so that my friends were quite shocked at the visual change in me.”


Non-Executive Director

“I’m immeasurably stronger and fitter than I’ve ever been previously in my life. Physically  I’m a pretty fit person now. My stamina is really good and personally that’s opened up new opportunities of things to do with friends and family.”

Davie's Story

He hated fitness. And although, as a soldier in the British army he was required to be fit, an unexpected foot injury turned him from a fit soldier into a fat one. Punished with exercise on a daily basis, feeling embarrassed and ashamed for his dismal performance, the devilish voice decided to take over, whispering: “Davie, you hate fitness. Just give up. It’s too much effort. You can’t do it anyway.”

Against all logic, Davie listened. And after a while, unable to complete any physical tests, he had no choice but to leave the army. Leave his job. Leave his friends. And replace them all with a new bestie: food.

Davie Queens Guard
Davie's Hand Raised

In 2003, living back home with his parents, fate decided to make a slow shift. One tiny advert in the newspaper invited Davie to follow up on a lifelong interest in martial arts. Unfit, unhealthy and uninspired by fitness, he signed up for a single trial session. It only took that one session to jumpstart a new life. One session turned into another. And another. And slowly, Davie realised he was actually enjoying movement again. Fat turned back into fit, but more importantly, hate turned into love.

“In 8 months, I lost 5.5 stones and gained something I never thought possible: I fell in love with fitness.”

Overjoyed by his new-found passion, he realised that if he could change his life, others could too. Davie: “I know first-hand that transforming your lifestyle isn’t easy at all. It’s the result of persistence and conscious decisions. Knowing this, I can relate to people who struggle with this.” He walked the walk and talked the talk. This way, he was able to help his first clients kick off their fitness journey, weight loss specifically, in 2006.

“It was magical, those first years,” he continues. “I am proud to say that only three years later, in 2009, I opened my first studio, became one of the first kettlebell teachers in Glasgow, built a strong client base and hired my first employee by 2010. Only a year later, 2011, I had a full-size gym with four employees.”

Davy Fat

Things seemed to prosper. But as any road to success, Davie’s road wasn’t without struggles either. So far, our founding father had focused the business on weight loss and physical fitness only. Now, looking back, we realise this is only one piece of the puzzle. Back then, we didn’t know we weren’t really giving our clients all they needed to really create a lasting change. And it took a deep, personal loss to help us see that.

“2015 was a year that crushed me. I lost both my parents in six weeks. I needed to deal with that. Unfortunately, I didn’t deal with that the right way. I turned back to old patterns. I comforted myself with food and alcohol. I gained lots of weight again. Everything I had fought for, I lost. Everything I taught myself, I let go of. I was pretty much back to where I started in 2003.”

It wasn’t just weight that he gained. “The guilt, the shame, the sadness… it literally weighed on me. Tore me apart. How could I help clients if I wasn’t helping myself? I felt like a fraud. Me, a gym owner, in the worst shape of my life.”

Having hit rock bottom, Davie decided to try a different road ahead. The Landmark Forum in 2016 was a wake-up call. “I realised I had been blaming everyone but myself. I wasn’t taking any responsibility for where I was. It took a huge breakdown and lots of tears to understand this and reclaim my power. It was quite a journey, but I grew beyond my own dreams.”

It was not the only epiphany. “Real change doesn’t start physically, but emotionally and mentally. I didn’t just experience this myself, but also understood at a very profound level that I needed to incorporate this into my business. And so, in 2016 I started coaching clients to become mentally and emotionally fit on top of their physical fitness. Not just any clients, but the clients I genuinely wanted to work with long-term. It’s why DMC Fitness started focusing solely on high-performing professionals. We share a winning mindset and a mindset of persistence. We’ve grown to become the number one choice for top execs in Glasgow.”

Davie: “I can honestly say, that I am proud of where we are as a business. Just as I’m proud again of myself and how I look. My personal journey has always been synched with our business journey. I have used my own experience to inspire clients and that’s what resonates with many of them. It allows me and the entire crew to help people gain more confidence – not just by looking awesome, but by feeling awesome too.”