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Student Spotlight – Steve Wyper

Steve Wyper

Name: Steven Wyper

Occupation: Chief Executive Officer

Approx length of time with DMC: 6 years

How has fitness training with DMC helped you in the following areas?

Professional life

Have you been promoted? If so to what level?

In the 6 or so years I have been working with Davie, I have been promoted from Global Vice President of Sales to EMEA Chief Executive and then in Dec 2019 I was promoted to Global Chief Operations Officer. I have since become a CEO

I have gone from leading a team of 16 to 120 in the space of 24 months. I couldn’t have embraced this opportunity, its challenges, and all the new people I need to lead, with the same confidence and commitment, if I wasn’t on a path of Physical Therapy with DMC. 

Personal life

How has your relationship with yourself improved? 

When I started working with Davie and DMC, I was 12 months post ACL surgery, failing with my rehabilitation, 17 stone, as flexible as concrete and fit the stereotype of any middle-aged Exec. A highly successful, stressed out, overweight, self-medicating, time-starved workaholic. 

mobility work

6 years on and clearing multiple hurdles and barriers on the road along the way, I am now pain-free, more flexible than I’ve ever been, and fully committed to my physical, personal, and professional goals. Making progress weekly with more time and focus than I have ever had. 

There are no internal excuses anymore, It’s acceptance of the circumstances I’m working with and understanding how they impact my priorities and my most valuable asset. My Time!

How has your relationship with others improved? 

I have more time for my children, I’m more present with my wife and my colleagues are inspired and motivated by the drive and enthusiasm I bring to work.

I feel more connected with everyone I share my life with. Only because I am more connected and confident with myself.  

Your health and wellness

How did you feel on a day-to-day basis when you were not so healthy?

Depressed, stressed, and self-destructive. 

In contrast, how do you feel now on a daily basis?

Nothing is stopping me now. I’m more focused, motivated, and inspired to lead my business, my employees, my friends, my family, and myself in a forward trajectory to achieve our individual and team ambitions. 

(Well done for embracing the magic of Fitness I’m so happy you found it with DMC) 

Bench Row

What new skills have you learned during your time with DMC?

  • Daily gratitude is now a cornerstone of my mindset.
  • Mobility – embrace it early or learn the hard way. 
  • Foam Rolling is horrible at first but medicine in itself.
  • Kettlebells, Bulgarian bags.
  • I reconnected with my love for martial arts

How would you describe your coach / the coaches?

Davie brings his professional commitment and his larger-than-life personality to every session. His knowledge of his craft and the library of life experience that he brings with it brings a depth of credibility, sincerity, humour, and respect into the coaching relationship, qualities that are impossible to fake, and that command results!

Hanging Out

How would you describe the facility?

DMC Fitness has first-class facilities. I’ve traveled the world and visited many gyms. The quality of the facility, and the equipment is an extension of the pride and commitment Davie and the DMC team have in their work. 

Why do you enjoy it so much?

It helps me stay committed, I have a personal contract with myself on a weekly basis. A personal and professional commitment to Davie to keep moving forward and working for progress. I need and feed from goals, no matter how big or small. Regular DMC check-ins are my measuring stick 

Davie and Steve

What makes you want to come back?

I’m not finished making the best version of myself. 

What advice would you give to someone thinking of coming along?

You’ve got nothing to lose. Embrace the process put in front of you (easier said than done). Working with Davie is more than working with a traditional fitness instructor. Commit to yourself and the journey Davie can take you on and you will learn to strengthen your mind, body, and spirit on so many levels.