Read Our Success Stories
Fiona Flynn
I was introduced to DMC by my husband who works close to the gym. He didn’t have the time to commit to the program 100% but as he’d promised to get me a PT after having our baby, he booked a taster session for me instead. Thank goodness he did……!
Having always loved the gym & exercise classes I was very much up for having my own PT to shift 3 of what was left of the 5 stone I gained while pregnant. I was the biggest I’d been in about 6/7 years after losing over 50lbs with a slimming club and managing to keep most of it off but pregnancy unleashed my sweet-tooth beast and I felt frumpy, uncomfortable, and unfit. Slimming clubs serve a purpose but they don’t teach you about nutrition in conjunction with exercise which is very much a “food is fuel” mentality. There was no way in the world I was going to go back to work at that size nor was I going to buy big girl clothes again. I wanted to be a slim, fit & healthy new mum.
Meeting Davy was an inspirational experience as was seeing the unbelievable before & after pictures on the reception wall. I wanted to be up there in the Hall of Fame! So I signed up at the beginning of February for a 10-week block & I’ve never looked back. 20 weeks later I’m 40 pounds lighter and I have lost 40 inches from all over my body. I feel great, my pre-pregnancy clothes not only fit but they’re loose, my eating habits have changed, I am more aware of what I am eating & why and I’m more motivated about exercise & nutrition than I’ve ever been!
DMC promotes “strength for life” and this is what you get. You get a workout program designed specifically for you and Grant my coach encouraged and pushed me to and past my limits at every session. I loved my Monday morning sessions and I will definitely be back for more once I get settled into a work/life routine.
For anyone considering signing up, I say do it. Now!! If you commit to it you WILL see amazing results!
Nikola Kelly
Andrew Kennedy
Nicole Wilcox
Cathie Brydon
Mhairi McNaught
Karen Stewart
Andy Baird
Helena Morrow
George McKee
Lucy Cooper
Billy Smith
Anne Ritchie
Phillip Ferguson
David Doran
Scott Lang
Gary Simpson
Jason Mokrovich
Jo Wild
Karen Little
Jamie Ramsay
Stacey Raeburn
Sheena Costello
Dave McInnes
Paul Graham
Wendy Feron
Jagi Kalsi
Forbes Bryce
Andy Swan
Gillian Ferguson
Kirsten Apartopoulos
David Wilson
Scott Rae
Martyn Howe
Anna Sofia
Maggie Muir
Chris McLeod
Natalie Stott
Chris Kimmet
Marshall Larrabide
Ian Malarkey