Our Success Stories
Jamie Ramsay
Within 10 weeks I had gained confidence in both myself as a person, confidence in training, and being able to stick to a programme that suits me and my schedule.
Firstly I would like to start by thanking all at DMC fitness for getting me to where I am today.
When I first started with Davie DMC Fitness I stated that I wanted a proper beasting and that my general fitness was at a fair level and I just wanted to mostly lose a few lbs and get back to a level of fitness and a style of training that I was comfortable with.
Having spent years attending various gyms and training with friends, family and even personal trainers I was left facing the task of coming home each day and staring out a set of dumbbells that had been gathering dust for some time. Not really knowing what I wanted to do as I had lost confidence in my training.
Davie designed a programme for me that although challenging enough to test my strength and fitness highlighted that my mobility was lacking and we worked on this first both in the gym and by myself at home. With my mobility improving each day I found myself being more motivated both at home, at the gym, and even at work (well to a certain degree). Needless to say what I classed a fair level of fitness was quickly proved to be far from fair.
Within 10 weeks I had gained confidence in both myself as a person, confidence in training, and being able to stick to a programme that suits me and my schedule and although I don’t have a particularly busy schedule if I was working away from home for example I could easily stick to the programme whereas before I would have just said oh well there’s no gym so no workout. Needless to say, my old dumbbells don’t get much of a look these days as they are mostly used to hold down my DMC notes while I train.
In short, I gained more than I ever thought possible in a very short period of time, and having looked back at the amount of time, money, and wasted hours I’ve put in at commercial gyms I would go as far as to say I will never step foot in another one again and currently I’m waiting for a suitable time to book in for another session at DMC Fitness.
Ian Goodwin
Cathie Brydon
Fiona Flynn
Jamie Ramsay
Sheena Costello
Stuart Davie
Susan McInnes
Stuart Cameron
Stacey Raeburn
Billy Smith
Andrew Kennedy
George McKee
Nicole Wilcox
Forbes Bryce
Martyn Howe
Marshall Larrabide
David Wood
Bill Purves
Gillian Ferguson
Samantha Howe
Andy Swan
Anna Sofia
Pauline Kelly
Gary Simpson
Gerry McGuire
Emma Cameron
Wendy Feron
Arlene McGeachy
Mary MacAskill
Anne Ritchie
Natalie Stott
Ian Malarkey
Karen Stewart
Karen Little
Kirsten Apartopoulos
Nikola Kelly
Mhairi McNaught
Dave McInnes